Carbohydrates, Proteins, Dietary Fibres, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Minerals Copper Potassium, Good source of polyphenols and antioxidant( ), Oligonol (Dietary supplement).
Keeping Quality
Litchi fruit stored 18 days at 2°,5°& 10°c, there little change was in T.S.S. Titratable acidity & pH , minimally processed fruit stored at 2°c exhibited Characteristic similar to fresh fruit, where those stored at 5°c & 10°c emitted Disagreeable odors that lowered their subjective quality.
Health Benefits
Helps in boosting blood circulation.
Antiviral tendencies.
Regulates blood Pressure.
Anti Inflammatory agent, It helps to reduce abdominal fat, Can fight liver Cancer, Enhance immunity.